£17.50 + Booking Fee. Doors 7pm. Show 8pm. Standing Show.

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Floyd UK have brought together some of the best musicians in the UK who have the talent and desire to replicate the music of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of The Moon album “LIVE” in the greatest detail possible to mark the albums 50th Anniversary.

The band are dedicated to crafting Pink Floyd’s performances with careful attention to every note, inflection, expression, sound effect, on their instruments and voices. In addition to their refined musical performances, we have produced amazing visual effects with multimedia, projection and lasers to enhance the live experience. Also as a bonus the band will be playing an extra 40 minutes of Pink Floyd classics from the albums “Wish You Were Here”, “The Wall”  “Animals” album etc. The band was specially chosen for their unique ability on their instruments and vocalists were chosen for their stunning voices.

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